Designer, and more.


Pre-Thesis Week04 – Problem Statement and User Research



Step 1 – Big Problem

  • The problem of (Not knowing when they are about to transfer) affects (people with Dissociative Identity Disorder/DID) the impact of which is (they suffer a lot when transferring among identities)

  • The problem of (people not paying enough attention to DID) affects (the society and DID patient) the impact of which is (there is no effective treatment for them)

Step 1A – Big Problem with Data

  • The problem of (Not knowing what is the sign of transferring when they are about to transfer) affects (150 million people with Dissociative Identity Disorder/DID around the world) the impact of which is (they suffer a lot when transferring among identities at an inappropriate place and/or time)

  • The problem of (people not paying enough attention to DID) affects (the society and DID patients) the impact of which is (there is barely effective treatments for them)

Step 2 – Stakeholder Map

Step 2A – Stakeholders List

Early research
– Doctors
– Researchers
– Nursing care workers
– Strangers who have no idea about it

Deep research
– Patients
– Relatives
– Parents, mates and sons/daughters
– Friends
– Colleagues
– Teachers

Step 3 – Persona

For now, I’m still working on the research part and can not be sure about what kind of persona it would be like for my project user interview, but I came out with a simple list of user personas based on their different perspective. 

Step 3A – User List

A. DID Patient
He/she may be suffering from DID for a long time. There was a trigger for his/her first identity. He/she may hide behind the protection of the new identity, or they are fighting for a while. He/she is currently under good treatment and have some experience of what kind of treatment a DID patient need.

B. Family member
A family member of a DID patient who has been through a lot with the patient.

C. Doctor
A doctor who has experience of dealing with DID and how to be a great companion for DID patients.

D. Nursing care worker
A nursing care worker who has experience of how to calm them down when DID patients are suffering from pain.

E. Researchers & Strangers
Since people related to DID patient may sometimes don’t have an objective opinion, it would be better to have a researcher who has studied this field and some strangers who have no idea about what it is to speak with.