Pre-Thesis Week04 – Problem Statement and User Research
Step 1 – Big Problem
The problem of (Not knowing when they are about to transfer) affects (people with Dissociative Identity Disorder/DID) the impact of which is (they suffer a lot when transferring among identities)
The problem of (people not paying enough attention to DID) affects (the society and DID patient) the impact of which is (there is no effective treatment for them)
Step 1A – Big Problem with Data
The problem of (Not knowing what is the sign of transferring when they are about to transfer) affects (150 million people with Dissociative Identity Disorder/DID around the world) the impact of which is (they suffer a lot when transferring among identities at an inappropriate place and/or time)
The problem of (people not paying enough attention to DID) affects (the society and DID patients) the impact of which is (there is barely effective treatments for them)
Step 2 – Stakeholder Map
Step 2A – Stakeholders List
Early research
– Doctors
– Researchers
– Nursing care workers
– Strangers who have no idea about it
Deep research
– Patients
– Relatives
– Parents, mates and sons/daughters
– Friends
– Colleagues
– Teachers
Step 3 – Persona
For now, I’m still working on the research part and can not be sure about what kind of persona it would be like for my project user interview, but I came out with a simple list of user personas based on their different perspective.
Step 3A – User List
A. DID Patient
He/she may be suffering from DID for a long time. There was a trigger for his/her first identity. He/she may hide behind the protection of the new identity, or they are fighting for a while. He/she is currently under good treatment and have some experience of what kind of treatment a DID patient need.
B. Family member
A family member of a DID patient who has been through a lot with the patient.
C. Doctor
A doctor who has experience of dealing with DID and how to be a great companion for DID patients.
D. Nursing care worker
A nursing care worker who has experience of how to calm them down when DID patients are suffering from pain.
E. Researchers & Strangers
Since people related to DID patient may sometimes don’t have an objective opinion, it would be better to have a researcher who has studied this field and some strangers who have no idea about what it is to speak with.