Pre-Thesis Week09 - Exploration of DID
After meeting with Dana, I started to explore more about Dissociative Identity Disorder in metaphorically ways. I think this will help me to understand the inner part of people with DID, about their relationships with their alters and how do they communicate with them.
From a girl I known with DID, I have learned that for people with multiple identities, it feels like all of her alters live in a large house; each of the alter has his/her own room in his/her own style. When there is a need to switch—usually because something triggered the bad memory or the alter hosting her body feels tired and want to take a break—they will gather around in the meeting room and talk about who is going to take the turn next. Most of the time, the meeting goes well and one of the alters will host the body, and the body wouldn’t feel uncomfortable; but sometimes the situation is too stressful or is too much for them, they will argue during the meeting because on one wants to go out and host the body—this is also the reason when DID patient suddenly has a seizure.
Based on this metaphorically theory, I drew an image to better visualize the inner world of a DID patient.
Another image I drew is about the lost and dazed feeling of people with DID. This is their normal feeling.